In Vitro and ex-Vivo Tumor Cell Functional Assays

Immuno-oncology Models

Tissue sample dissociation and cell process for flow cytometry and others analyses; flow cytometry and immunophenotyping

Immunohistochemistry of Primary Tumors

Patient Tumor Biopsy

Patient-Derived Xenograft

Immunostaining of Tumor Cell Markers

Chick choriollantoic membrane (CAM) assay: analysis of pro-angiogenic and anti-angiogenic activities of tumor cells and treatments

Chimera Human-Mouse Skin Graft Model

Immunostaining of Human Tumors in Human Skin

Stained Human Blood Vessels in Human Skin

Chimera Human-Mouse Skin Graft Model

Immunostaining of Human Tumors in Human Skin

Stained Blood Vessels in Human Skin

Cell Adhesion

Cell Spreading

Tube Formation

All in vivo experiments are executed in compliance with approved SOPs and guidelines.

The facilities where the studies are conducted are ALAAAC accredited and registered with Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) and USDA. All experimental procedures are conducted under IACUC-approved protocols